Are Sunday school teachers, day care providers, charter school teachers, or homeschool teachers eligible to shop?
No. The only eligible shoppers are preK - grade 12 teachers, plus administrators, teachers, counselors, media specialists, therapists, nursing staff, secretaries, and paras/aides, who are employed by a publicly-elected school board in Brown, Greene, Lawrence, Monroe, and Owen Counties, plus the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville.
Can student teachers shop at Teachers Warehouse?
Yes, if they shop with their supervising teacher or have verification of his/her approval. Free items obtained by student teachers count toward the supervising teacher's quarterly limits.
Is there a limit to how much teachers can take?
Yes. Teachers may take 30 items each quarter. Some items have limits. Some do not. For example, teachers may only take 30 pencils, 100 sheets of card stock, and 3 packs of sticky notes a visit. Items with limits are clearly marked with yellow labels. All other items have no limits.
Do teachers have to pay anything to be able to shop at Teachers Warehouse?
No. We are a store without a cash register. There is no registration charge, and there are no prices on any products on our shelves. We do ask shopper to send thank you notes to five donors.
How do teachers sign up to participate?
First time shoppers register by filling out a teacher information form, verifying their employment at an eligible school system, and affirming they have read the guidelines for shoppers.