

Teachers Warehouse can't succeed without dedicated volunteers! At least six volunteers are needed per shift and volunteers are encouraged to sign up for a regular weekly shift.

Tasks include checking shoppers in and out, helping shoppers, stocking shelves, inventorying donations, inputting shopping data, and light cleaning. All shifts take place during TW business hours.

If you are interested in learning more, contact us about shadowing a current volunteer to see if we are the right fit for you.

Our Volunteers Are Amazing!

Board Member Sara Laughlin was awarded the 2020 Be More Phenomenal Award as part of the Bloomington Volunteer Network's Be More Awards. The award came with a financial gift that will support TW's efforts in the region.

From left to right: Sue Cull, Sara Laughlin, Bev Teach, Elaine Hartman, Marcus Whited (Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County), and Gabe Colman

To learn more about Sara, the award, and Bloomington Volunteer Network...

Volunteers In Action...

Ready to learn more?

Call 812-929-7522 or reach out to volunteers@teacherswarehouse.org for more information!

Potential volunteers are invited to shadow current volunteers to learn more about the tasks involved.