

Teachers Warehouse has experienced exponential growth since it opened in 2004 as a project of Bloomington Rotary Club. TW initially targeted MCCSC Title 1 elementary teachers and counted 75 shopping visits its first year. Discovering a broader need, TW expanded to serve MCCSC grade K-8 teachers. Other Rotary clubs and retired teachers' groups assumed sponsorship for four more counties' teachers, extending the service area to Brown, Greene, Lawrence, and Owen counties. In 2015 Greene County added a satellite TW center in Linton, sponsored by retired teachers. In January 2018, grade 9-12 public school educators became eligible to shop at Teachers Warehouse. In July 2022, teachers working for the Metropolitan School District of Martinsville became eligible to shop, thanks to the support of the Martinsville Rotary.

In 2024, Board member and volunteer Sara Laughlin was interviewed for an episode of The 812 Show.

In 2017, then-President Sue Cull recorded a five-minute podcast for WFHB's Activate!

2024-2025 Board of Directors


Marcus Debro - President
Carolyn Walters - Vice-President
Sara Laughlin - Treasurer
Beverly Teach - Corresponding Secretary
Tiffany Oswalt - Recording Secretary

Operations Coordinators

Manager & Volunteers - Sue Cull (volunteers@teacherswarehouse.org)
Office - Elaine Hartman
Technology - Craig McDonald

At Large Members

Julie Beasley
Anne Bright
Julie Paris
Theresa Simpson
Elizabeth Sweeney
Cindy Vlasman

Sue Cull, ex-officio

Help Support Our Cause

Did you know thousands of children go to their classrooms each day without basic school supplies?

46% of the students served by Teachers Warehouse qualify for the free or reduced lunch program. We rely on your generosity to support the students in our communities. Make a secure contribution to Teachers Warehouse today.

PayPal Donation Button

Teachers Warehouse is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible within the limits of the Internal Revenue Code.